Pregnancy and Parental Leave “To Do” List
(Updated January 2024)
Review the Collective Agree Articles C11, L17, L18
Obtain a medical certificate stating expected date of birth ( can be from midwife)
Fill in a Leave of Absence (LOA) form stating the FIRST day of leave and RETURN date, get it signed by the Principal
Forward the completed LOA and medical certificate to Denise Beaumont, Human Resources, Chatham Office
If your baby arrives earlier than the scheduled commencement of your Pregnancy Leave, contact Denise Beaumont in order to revise your start date
Your Record of Employment (ROE) will be sent electronically to HRDC (EI) by the payroll dept, as soon as possible following your last day of work. Jen Boudreau the contact in the payroll department.
Complete an application for EI Benefits (Service Canada 1-888-534-2222 or www.servicecanada.gc.ca. This can be done in advance of your ROE being issued.
Send a copy of “My Current Claim” and “My Payments” pages from your Service Canada account to Annie Kaplin in HR, Sarnia Office. This is required to receive you’re your 8 weeks of Pregnancy Leave Top Up Benefits.
Human Resources will provide you with details regarding your LTD, Pension, EAP while on leave.
ETFO now has a MANDATORY LTD plan while on leave.
Review information about Health Benefits (OTIP 1866-783-6874)
Contact OTIP to add your child to your benefit plan as soon as possible after birth( must be within 30 days)
Pay your OCT fee in January ($200) www.oct.ca. Due by April 15th.