Health & Safety Committee
LKETFO Committee Members:
Ann Pharazyn (Chair)
Bethany Tiegs (Secretary)
Jeremy Hills
Erika Lopes
Shannon Evans
Karen Churcher (OT member)
Mission Statement
This committee strives to raise awareness of health and safety for all members and to promote member participation in health and safety training. As a committee we will make recommendations to the LKETFO Executive regarding health and safety issues.
This committee will be established and abide by all the rules and bylaws of the LKETFO Constitution.
1. shall consist of at least one (1) Executive Member and at least two (2) other members of the local;
2. shall be appointed as needed by the local Executive;
3. shall be responsible to help protect the health and safety of all members;
4. shall prepare and submit a report for the local Annual Meeting.
Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee:
Our Federation Local has two representatives that are active certified Worker Representatives under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. These workers meet regularly and frequently during the school year with other Union worker groups and Management representatives on the LKDSB Elementary Facilities JOHSC.
Your Local Reps:
· Jodi Mandeno, Tecumseh, Chatham
· Ann Pharazyn, AA Wright Wallaceburg
Every Elementary site within the LKDSB has site-based reps that can help members with Health and Safety concerns in their worksite. If you have further questions please contact the LKETFO office.