Election Committee
As outlined in our Constitution and Bylaws the Committee shall consist of an Executive designate and up to five (5)
Members who are in good standing. Members of the Election Committee shall be Members who are not standing for election. There will be representation from Chatham Kent and Lambton. If more than six (6) people wish to be on the committee, names will be drawn by lot. Members may serve on the Election Committee for up to three (3) consecutive terms;
shall be appointed as needed by the Local Executive;
shall be responsible for ensuring that elections are run smoothly, effectively and fairly;
shall choose a chairperson, to be known as the Returning Officer, from within the committee;
shall provide a list of nominees for all elected positions of the Local;
shall conduct the elections at the Local Annual Meeting and, if necessary, any subsequent by-elections.
Current Executive for the 2022-2024 Term:
President - Tracie Booth
Vice President Kent - Sarah Hall
Vice President Lambton - Bethany Tiegs
Treasurer - Shawna-Lee Rivard
Secretary - Katie Hewitt
Collective Bargaining Chair - Nicole Schultz
EXEC North: Erika Lopes
Jennifer McKenzie
Allison Millar
Chas Douglas
EXEC South: Jodi Mandeno
Jeremy Hills
Mary Podlacha
Shannon Handsor Evans
This Executive Motion was passed on the floor of the Annual Meeting on May 24th.
11.1 Proposed amendments to the Local Constitution and/or Bylaws must be
submitted to the Executive thirty (30) days prior to the Local Annual
11.2 The Executive shall publish all proposed amendments to the General Membership seven (7) days prior to the Local Annual Meeting.
11.3 The Constitution shall be amended if 60% of the members present at the
Local Annual Meeting vote in favour of the proposed amendment.
Motion: Moved by Jennifer McKenzie
Seconded by Shawna-Lee Rivard
That section 1.1.19 be added to our bylaws which states that full-time released officers are entitled to no more than five
compensatory lieu days per school year.